Monday, June 22, 2009

Second Last Batch of Kigali Pics

The staple housing found in Rwanda. Although this may look sub-standard to a Western audience, brick housing is a luxury in poverty-prone areas and are an envious rarity to those who live alongside us in Kliptown in tin shacks and filthy environments.
A fire forever burning in the memory of the million deceased in the 1994 genocide at the Kigali Genocide Memorial.
After a day at some historical museums and the King's huts in Southern Rwanda, we all dunked ourselves in the pool to cool off from the scorching heat and engaged in some fierce chicken fights.
Outside the King's main hut.

Men carrying potatoes on their head. They often travel very long distances and begin this training at an early age. Boys and girls, as young as 4, are made assets of the family at an early age; boys plough land and transport goods while girls cook, and clean, and sometimes produce traditional jewelry for sale.

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